Says Platerus, raged at Baſil, a malignant contagious epidemic Fever, with a moſt acute Pain of the Head, ſudden Proſtration, of Strength, Vomiting, Loathing. Spots appeared on many before Death ; the Urine high-coloured and confuſed ; Pulſe quick and ſtrong ; Body intenſely hot ; unquenchable Thirſt ; then Watchings, Ravings, and Deliriums. It moſtly ſeized the ſtrongeſt Men, and ſuch as were Tiplers, or intemperate ; it ſeldom attacked young People or Infants, (the very contrary of the Plague there) and was very fatal, as well as contagious. The Sick had neither Bubos nor Anthraces. Such as died went off the 7th, 11th, 12th, or 14th Day. They that recovered ſcarce got well in ſix Weeks ; in the middle of which, the Fever came to its Criſis. This was in June and very droughty. They firſt let Blood, then gave cooling Apozemes, then acid cooling Draughts, then a Laxative ; next came in Opiats, and after the Criſis, corroborating Cordials.