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(1584-06-22 to 1584-06-23)Dee, John. A True & Faithful Relation of What paſſed for many Yeeres Between Dr. John Dee (A Mathematician of Great Fame in Q. Eliz. and King James their Reignes) and Some Spirits : Tending (had it Succeeded) To a General Alteration of moſt STATES and KINGDOMES in the World.. London, D. Maxwell, , page 171.Junii, 22, 23. Note. On Friday, and eſpecially Saturday, E. K. had great Temptations not to credit this Action, and was ſaid unto by a voice, how our Inſtructors would uſe cavillation of our diſ- ordered life, to forſake us, and not to perform, according to our expectation of the former promiſes to be performed by them. A voice ſaid, likewiſe, to him, that A. L. ſhould not go to the Emperours Court, for lack of money : for he ſhould get none here. Likewiſe, it willed him to go up into his Study and he would ſhew him all the effect of our Inſtructions received. E. K. complained to me how he was thus greivouſly moleſted by ſuch means and almoſt brought in deſpair. But I com- forted him as well as I could ( my ſelf being inwardly, moſt ſorrowful ) and made my moane to God by prayer when I was alone : for him, and our Cauſe. Moreover he could not be perſwaded by me that good Angels would undertake to help us to any relief by money or trea- ſure : affirming that it appertained to the wicked ones : ſeeing they were the Lords of this World ; and the kingdom of God was not of this World, &c. .... Said, that the wicked were in the world, and of the world : but the Elect were in the world, but not of the World. Si de Mundo eſſetis, Mundus quod ſuum eſt diligeret : quia vero de mundo non eſtis ſed ego elegi vos de mundo, propterea adit vos mundus. Ergo dedi eis ſermonem tuum, & mundus eos odio habuit, quia non ſunt de mundo, ſicut & ego non ſum de mundo. Non rogo ut tollas eos de mundo, ſed ut ſerves eos à malo. De mundo non ſunt: ſicut & ego non ſum de mundo, &c. To be of the world, was to be in love with the trade of the vanities of this world, and to follow them: And that money and riches were things indifferent: good, if they were well uſed ; and evil, if they were evilly uſed : And that, Bonis omnia cooperabantur ad bonum ; Therefore the godly (as the Patriarchs and many nowadayes) might have money ; but to uſe, not abuſe it : and that ſuch is our caſe and neceſſary requeſt to God, &c.