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I, with Sir Robert Barber, curat, and Robert Tilsley, clerk of Manchester parish church, with diverse of the town of diverse ages, went in perambulation to the bownds of Manchester parish : began at the Leeless birche against Prestwich parish, and so had a vew of the thre corner stake, and then down tyll Mr. Standysh new enclosure on Thelmore wher we stayed and vewed the stake yet standing in the bank of the dich, being from the corner a eleven measures of Mr. Standley’s stik then in his hand, and 2 fote more, which stick I did measure afterward, and it did conteyn in length feete. 6. ynche. 3. [That is, 6ft. 3in. × 11 = 68ft. 9in. This total, + 2ft. = 70ft. 9in. Dee puts the sum down thus : “The Totall mesure, fete. 69. ynches 9.”] At which place [Standysh’s enclosure] Tetlow servant to Mr. [James] Ashton of Chaterdon with … did mete us, and. The survey geometricall of the very circuits of Manchester parish was ended in this, being the sixth day of my work folks day [or doing].
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I, with Sir Robert Barber, curat, and Robert Talsley, clerk of Manchester parish church, with diverse of the town of divers ages, went in perambulation to the bownds of Manchester parish : began at the Leeless Bench against Prestwich parish, and so had a vew of the thre corne staks, and then down tyll Mr. Standysh new enclosure on the Low, wher we stayed and vewed the stak yet standing in the bank of the dich, being from the corne a eleven measures of Mr. Standley’s stak then in his hand, and two fote more, which still I did measure afterward, and it did conteyn in Kentish feete 6 ynches and thre quarters. The survey geometricall of the very circuits of Manchester parish was ended in this, being the sixth day of my work.