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After the departing of Mr Francis Nicolls his dowghter Mistres Mary, his brother Mr William, Mr Wortley, at my returne from Deansgate, to the ende whereof I browght them on fote, Mr Roger Kooke offered and promised his faithfull and diligent care and help, to the best of his skill and powre, in the practises chymicall, and that he will rather do so then to be with any in England ; which his promise the Lord blesse and confirm ! He told me that Mr. Anthony considered him very liberally and frendely, but he told him that he had promised me. Then he liked in him the fidelity of regarding such him promise.
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After the departing of Mr. Francis Nicols, his dowghter Mistres Mary, his brother Mr. William, Mr. Wortley, at my returne from Deansgate, to the ende whereof I browght them on fote, Mr. Roger Kooke offred and promised his faithfull and diligent care and help, to the best of his skill and powre, in the processes chymicall, and that he will rather do so then to be with any in England ; which his promise the Lord blesse and confirm ! He told me that Mr. Anthony considered him very liberally and frendely, but he told him that he had promised me. Then he liked in him the fidelity of regarding such him promise.